Staff File Checklist



CompulsoryIn File (Tick)Initial (Staff)Initial (Manager)
Contract & Terms of Employment   
Pension enrolment letter   
Roles & responsibilities   
Essentials of Food Hygiene   
Health & Safety Policy   
Health Questionnaire   
Fire Safety   
Weights & Measures   
Holiday Policy   
Sickness & Absence Policy   
Theft Policy   
Discounts Policy   
Wastage Policy   
Tills & PDQ Policy   
Search Policy   
Drugs & Alcohol Policy   
Check 21 Policy   
Opt Out Declaration   
Confidentiality Policy   
Computers & Tablets Policy   
Social Media Policy   
Equal Opportunities Policy   
Staff Contact & Bank Details   
P46 or P45 Form   
Sandinista Company Induction   
Have you been authorized to sell alcohol by your manager?   
Have you been added to the staff contacts list?   
Work email set up?   
Manager to walk you round the building   
Bar Induction   
FOH Induction   
Kitchen Induction   

Offer Letter

Dear                                                  Date:  

I am pleased to offer you the position of                              at                           

You will report directly to General Manager                    

 Your date of commencement will be

Your salary is _________ per hour .  Your working hours are based on a minimum of  _____ hours per week.   Extra hours worked will be given as paid overtime.

You are entitled to 28 days paid holiday per financial year, which runs from November 1st to October 31st which must be accrued accordingly.  Bank holidays are not a given and you may be required to work these in line with the needs of the business.

This offer is subject to the satisfactory completion of a three month probation period.

Yours Sincerely

Si Ord


I confirm I have read, understood and accepted my offer



Senior Managers Name……………………………

Senior Manager Signature………………………….

To help people save more for their retirement, all employers are now required by law to provide a workplace pension scheme for certain staff and pay money into it.
We must enrol any of our staff who meet all of the following criteria: 
You earn over £192 per week (or £833 per month)
You are aged 22 or over and
You are under state pension age
If you meet these criteria on <insert date 3 months from start date> you will be automatically enrolled into our workplace pension scheme. We will write to you again if this happens. You can join the scheme before this date if you wish (see How to join below).
If you don’t meet the criteria, you won’t become a member of the scheme automatically but if in the future you earn more than £192 per week (or £833 per month), or turn 22, we will enrol you into the scheme and let you know.
If you don’t meet the criteria you can also ask to join the scheme now or in the future.
If you ask to join you will put money into the pension each month directly from your pay, and the government will also contribute through tax relief. If you earn over £112 a week (or £486 a month), when you ask to join, the minimum amount you will put into the scheme will be 1% of your earnings. We will also contribute to the pension on your behalf. If you earn less than £112 a week when you ask to join we are not obliged to contribute.
How to join
To join the scheme, now or in the future, tell us in writing by sending a letter which has to be signed by you. Or if you send us an email, please include the phrase, ‘I confirm I personally submitted this notice to join a workplace pension scheme.’

People’s Pension Enrolment

Dear                                  ,

Yours Sincerely,

Si Ord


Contract of Employment

This document forms the terms and conditions of your employment and complies with Part 1 of the Employment Rights Act 1996. Sandinista Ltd (the Company) agrees to employ _________________________at Sandinista Ltd.  The company can transfer you to other reasonable locations temporarily or permanently as the Company decides. Starting from______________ you will be employed as ­­­­­­­­­­_____________________________.

  1. Hours of work and shift pattern: Your guaranteed minimum weekly hours are ____ hours per week. This guaranteed minimum applies only where an hourly rate of remuneration is stated.
  2. If you wish to change your availability or alter your normal working hours you must submit a request to change to your manager. We cannot guarantee that the change can be accommodated.
  3. The Company is entitled to limit your hours to the hours stated above. The minimum hours worked can be reduced by the company on a temporary basis as agreed with the employee with at least one weeks’ notice.
  4. Operational requirements may mean you may be asked to work in other departments or areas of the business.
  5. You are required to work a flexible rota, including weekends and evenings and public holidays.
  6. No staff will be contracted to work an excess of 48 hours per week, and in the event that you work more hours, it will be voluntary and non-contractual.
  7. Employees are responsible for signing in and out. An accurate record of hours and consequent payment may only be assured through personal vigilance. Failure to record and submit your hours may mean you don’t get paid and invoke the disciplinary procedure
  • Remuneration: Your rate of pay will be £___________ per hour.

Wages are paid monthly in arrears for all staff.

Payment will be made on the 5th of the month for pay relating to 1st-31st of the previous month.

Where the 5th falls on a weekend you will be paid on the Friday before.

In exceptional circumstances wages may be paid as late as the 7th. If this is ever the case, you will be notified in advance.

Wages will be paid into any bank account or building society which you authorise us to pay. The Company may deduct from your wages any sums owed by you to the company.

  • Overtime: No employee is to work over 50 hours per week without consent from Senior Management. Overtime will be paid at your normal hourly rate, where the overtime has been agreed. Unauthorised overtime will not be paid.
  • Other Employment: The Company requires employees wishing to pursue other additional employment elsewhere, or conduct business interests which may conflict with the obligations of your contract, to obtain prior written authorisation.
  • Personal Records: You must inform your Manager as soon as possible in writing of any change to the following:
  • your home address
  • your phone number
  • name or marital status
  • name/address/telephone number of emergency contact

Your personal data is held on file in order for us to maintain a professional working relationship. You have full access to your personal file and records held by the Company. Ask your Manager if you wish to see your file.

By signing this contract you consent to our collecting, storing, using, altering and destroying data.

  • Termination Of Employment: Should you wish to terminate your employment then the following periods of notice are required:
Length Of Service (As at date of resignation)Notice Period
0 – 4 WeeksNo Notice Required
4 – 12 Weeks1 Week
12 Weeks +4 Weeks
All Managers (regardless of length of service)8 weeks
  • You are entitled to 5.6 weeks holiday per year (pro-rata if you are part time). Our holiday year begins on November 1st each year and ends on October 31st of the following year. Public holidays are not automatic holiday days and must be requested as holiday.

You are not permitted to take paid holidays in the first 2 months of employment.

Holidays must be requested 4 weeks in advance, and are agreed on a ‘first come first served’ basis.

The numbers of employees allowed to take the same time off as holiday varies by site and department.

Pleas speak to your line manager about this

Do not book any holidays until your holiday request has been confirmed.

On certain days of the year there may be no members of staff permitted to take as holiday. This is to to prevent any detriment to the business. These will all be communicated in advance. Any holiday already booked and agreed will be honoured.

Holiday pay cannot be paid if no holiday days are taken. This is not lawful.

You can carry up to 3 days over into the next holiday year if you do not use them. Any additional days will be lost. It is the responsibility of the individual to ensure holidays are taken.


SIGNED (Employee):             

SIGNED (Sandinista Ltd):                  


Essentials of Food Hygeine

Appearance, health, hygiene and good food hygiene practices are especially important because our business is to provide our customers with quality, wholesome and safe food and drink.  Therefore, you must observe the following:

  1. Wear clean tidy clothing each day.
  2. Personal hygiene must include regular bathing, shampooing hair, use of deodorant and keeping hands and fingernails clean.
  3. No chains or other jewellery are to be worn with the exception of wedding ring.
  4. You must wash your hands before commencing a shift, returning from a break, after smoking, after using the toilet, after carrying our cleaning jobs, taking deliveries, after carrying out the waste/rubbish,
  5. You must tell your Manager before commencing work about any problems with your skin, nose, throat, stomach upset or any infected wound you have.
  6. You must tell your Manager immediately if you are suffering from diarrhoea or vomiting.
  7. Ensure cuts and sores are covered with a waterproof catering (coloured) plaster.  Report all accidents to the Duty Manager.
  8. Avoid all unnecessary handling of food.
  9. If you see something wrong tell the Duty Manager.
  10. Clean as you go – keeping all equipment and surfaces clean.
  11. Follow any food safety instructions from the Company Directors and Duty Managers.
  12. Smoking and eating is prohibited whilst working.  You should only smoke and eat in designated areas having been allowed to do so by your Manager.

Additionally for Kitchen Staff:

  1. Keep perishable food either refrigerated or piping hot.
  2. Prepare foods daily rather than in advance.
  3. Ensure that all food, except for salads, cold starters and desserts are piping hot for service.

PRINT NAME                                                                      (Employee)

SIGNED                                                                                (Employee)                       

SIGNED                                                                                (Sandinista Ltd)               



Over half the accidents occurring in the catering industry occur as a result of slips, trips and falls.  The majority of these results from slips on floors.  Injuries may arise from impact with the floor or equipment, burns from falling onto hot equipment, injuries from equipment being carried (e.g. glasses) – to the person falling or to other persons. Injuries may be very serious.  Persons at risk may include staff, customers or contractors. 

Therefore it is imperative that all Sandinista Ltd employees follow best practise in health & safety in the work place.

First-aid boxes are located in the on each bar, the office and ice machine room

All accident must be recorded in the accident book which is located in the office above the desk.


  • Wipe up spillages immediately
  • Dry the floor as much as possible after wiping with blue roll – make sure mop or cloth is thoroughly rung out.
  • Report any spillage that you cannot deal with immediately to your supervisor / manager
  • Where the floor is unavoidably left in a wet condition, a “caution wet floor” sign must be displayed in a conspicuous position. More than one sign may be necessary (e.g. top and bottom of stairs)
  • Wear shoes that will minimise the risk of slipping – leather uppers with cleated rubber soles are best.
  • Make all contractors aware, especially persons unfamiliar with restaurants aware of these hazards.
  • Ensure that our cleaners thoroughly clean the floor using appropriate chemicals at least once a day to remove dirt and grease.
  • Investigate all accidents including slips, trips and falls to determine cause and possible remedial measures.
  • Inspect toilets and other public areas every hour (up to 9pm then every ½ hour thereafter) to ensure that slip/trip/fall hazards have not arisen (e.g. splashed water in the toilets etc.).  This is to be recorded in your Fit For Business file.
  • Report all plumbing defects immediately (e.g. leaks to water pipes or waste pipes) to avoid slippery floors.
  • Ensure that floors, corridors and stairs are unobstructed and in good repair.
  • Report any maintenance issue to your manager to be added to the weekly maintenance list.
  • Ensure all the handrails are in place for all staircases, and in secure condition.
  • Report all floor, corridor or stair defects to your supervisor / manager.
  • Ensure lighting is adequate in all areas
  • Changes in floor level should be clearly marked, with barriers or grab rails installed if necessary.
  • Ensure there is never trailing leads or cables
  • Keep work areas clear, e.g. no boxes left in walkways, deliveries stored immediately, offices cleaned each evening.             


  • Run or rush around in the kitchen
  • Wear slippery shoes (i.e. leather soles)
  • Wear high-heeled shoes, sandals or “strappy” shoes with openings.
  • Carelessly splash fat in cooking areas or water at sinks etc.

I confirm I have read & understood the above

PRINT NAME                                                                           (Employee)

SIGNED                                                                                   (Employee)                            

SIGNED                                                                                   (Sandinista Ltd)                     


Health Questionnaire – New Food Handlers

Individual food handlers are legally responsible under Food Safety law to make sure that they report medical conditions which could be passed on in food.

Please answer the following questions honestly

Have you ever suffered from any of the following? (If YES please give dates)

Typhoid or Paratyphoid Fever                                                                                                                YES  /   NO

Dysentery                                                                                                                                                YES  /   NO

Persistent Diarrhoea                                                                                                                               YES  /   NO

Skin rash or skin disease                                                                                                                        YES  /   NO

Septic charges from the ears, eyes or nose                                                                                           YES  /   NO

Tuberculosis                                                                                                                                            YES  /   NO

Are you now, or have you over the last 7 days, suffered from diarrhea and / or vomiting?                                YES  /   NO

Have you been abroad in the last three weeks?                                                                                   YES  /   NO

If YES, were you ill?                                                                                                                                YES  /   NO

If YES, what was the nature of your illness? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Good personal hygiene must be observed at all times. Remember to inform your Manager IMMEDIATLEY if you are suffering from diarrhoea and/or vomiting.

Medical advice sought?                                          YES  /  NO                Date obtained         _______________

Approved for work?                                               YES  /  NO                Date                        _______________

I confirm I have answered all questions honestly and to the best of my knowledge

PRINT NAME                                                                           (Employee)

SIGNED                                                                                   (Employee)                            

SIGNED                                                                                   (Sandinista Ltd)                     



Staff & Management

Fire Safety and prevention is paramount to our business. In accordance with The Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997 and The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 we have constructed a basic fire training that will be conducted with you, and will form part of your staff file. It will consist of the Bar’s location of fire-fighting equipment, drills, what to do in the event of a fire and the separate risk assessments.


  • Rubbish – make sure there is no accumulation of rubbish, wastepaper or other materials in or around the restaurant
  • Flammable Materials – Includes paper, cardboard, oil drums – full or empty. Where necessary to store these they must be kept in a sensible place (not kitchen or boiler room) and in appropriate quantities only
  • Electrics – Ensure that wiring, plugs and sockets are in sound condition. Plugs must be correctly fused. Overloading must be avoided – one plug socket only. Only an electrician may carry out electrical repairs. A manager trained in the correct techniques may change a plug
  • Equipment – use all equipment correctly, e.g. NEVER turn deep fat fryer on full. Report faulty equipment to the duty manager immediately . the manager should record all reports and action taken in the maintenance log
  • Switch Off – All gas and electric before going off duty
  • Means Of Escape – keep free from obstruction at all times


  • Fire assembly point = In front of Naughty but Nice on Lower Briggate
  • Break-glass alarm sounders situated behind both bars
  • Cream foam extinguishers situated: outside beer cellar & at apex of the 1st floor stairs
  • Black CO2 extinguishers situated: outside beer cellar, at apex of the 1st floor stairs and behind the 1st floor bar

If the bar is evacuated no-one should re-enter until told it is safe to do so by the fire brigade

WHAT YOU SHOULD DO IF A FIRE STARTS IMMEDIATLY sound the FIRE ALARM and tell the management Manager or appointed supervisor to summon the fire brigade (Dial 999)Where safe to do so, the MANAGER should delegate staff to switch off all gas and electricity appliances and shut doors  and windowsThe manager should decide whether it is safe to attempt to fight the fire. This should only be the case for a very small fire when all persons present (including the manager) have a clear means of escape from the fire should it get any biggerIf the Manager is in any doubt, or the fire gets bigger the premises MUST BE EVACUATED. All staff, customers and contractors must be evacuated. This should be done in an orderly fashion to avoid panic.If the Manager leaves the bar for any reason, he/she MUST ALWAYS APPOINT A RESPONSIBLE member of staff to take charge in an emergency  


Class A Fires involving ordinary combustible materials (e.g. paper, wood, cloth)

Class B Fires involving flammable liquids or liquefiable solids e.g. oils, grease and fats, Petrol, paraffin, paints

Class C Fires involving gases

Class D Fires involving burning metals

Once a fire extinguisher is activated, the full contents must be discharged, unless the fire is not responding to attempts to extinguish it – evacuate the building immediately.

WaterRedANODo not use on burning fats or oilsDirect the jet at the base of the flames and keep moving. Any hot spots should be sought out after the main fire is extinguished
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)BlackBYESVery noisy. Ensure fire does not reignite. Do not use in confined spacesDirect the discharge horn at the base of the flames and keep moving the jet across the base of the fire
FoamCreamA & BNO Aim jet of foam to smother the fire. Start at the edge and allow the foam to build up so that it flows across the liquid.
Fire BlanketRedA&B Burning  clothingNOShield hands from the fireWrap the blanket around the burning clothing / person
Wet ChemicalN/AB (Deep fat fryers)NO Aim spray head over the burning oil at a distance no more than 1m

Since 1998 all new fire extinguishers are RED. Older ones can continue to be used as long as they remain serviceable and have not been discharged.


Best Options:

  1. Electrical fire – use CO2 Fire Extinguisher
  2. Combustible Materials (e.g. Paper, wood) – Use the Foam fire extinguisher
  3. Cooking oil Fire – use the wet chemical fire extinguisher
  4. Person on Fire – use the fire blanket.


  • The bar team to be made aware of the need for special consideration for disabled persons (staff or customers) in the event of evacuation
  • Wheelchair users and those whose mobility is impaired.
  • These persons should be asked how they can be best helped as in some circumstances (e.g. stairs) it will be necessary for them to be carried. Lifts must not be used in the event of a fire, except those specifically designed for the process.
  • Persons with Impaired vision
  • A helper must be assigned (in some cases another member of the customers party may take this role) the helper should normally lead, inviting the other person to grasp his or her elbow or shoulder. Assistance should be offered to guide dog owners and in these cases the helper should hold the leash and not the dog’s harness.
  • Persons with Impaired Hearing

These persons may have difficulty in hearing a fire alarm and so they must be assisted if necessary

I confirm I have read and understood my responsibilities with fire safety

PRINT NAME                                                                                      (Employee)

SIGNED                                                                                                (Employee)                       

SIGNED                                                                                                (Sandinista Ltd)               


Holiday Policy


The annual holiday entitlement for full-time staff working a five-day week is 28 days including 4 days in lieu of Bank Holidays. You will be required to work some or all bank holidays or days designated as Public Holidays, in accordance with the rota operated in your bar.

The Company’s holiday year runs from 1st November to 31st October each year, with the 28 days to be taken within this period each year.

Holidays cannot be carried over

It is your responsibility to take your holiday entitlement within a given year. At the end of the year if any holiday days remain untaken, you can request to be paid for up to 3 holiday days not taken which will be paid to you as days worked in your pay at the end of the last week in October. Any days above the initial 3 untaken are foregone.

On leaving the Company, your final wages will be adjusted to either include or deduct holidays owed to you and the Company respectively.


Holiday allowance for part time staff is calculated on an hourly rate. Part time staff are not tied to the company’s financial year but build up holiday allowance over time in line with hours worked. Holiday allowance starts to accrue from the end of you first week with the Company and is calculated at one fifty-second of the annual entitlement for each complete week worked.

The calculation for part time staff holiday allocation is as follows:                                                

A full timer’s yearly holiday allocation in hours: 48hr week / 5 days = 9.4hrs per day. 9.4 x 28 days holiday = 263.2 holiday hours per year          

Holiday hours are only accrued for contracted hours worked and not any hours worked above the contracted weekly number.

Part timer’s weekly holiday allowance accrual = ((contracted hours per week / 48) x 263.2) ÷ 52

On leaving the Company, your final wages will be adjusted to either include or deduct holidays owed to you and the Company respectively.


All requests for holiday time off should be made at least 3 clear weeks in advance by email to your General Manager copying in Katy, Cassie & Ste. Katy will reply to you copying in Cassie & Ste and your GM to let you know whether your request can be accommodated or not.

Whilst we will attempt to accommodate holiday requests, it is not guaranteed subject to required staffing levels and any clashes that might occur.

Although your working week is 5 days, any individual days requested off will count as holiday days unless you would not have been rota’d to work that day. The management process is that rotas are worked out first and then holiday requests are taken into consideration.

Staff holidays are tracked in the spreadsheet: Staff Holidays 2010-2011.xlsx which can be found in Y:\COMPANY INFO\Holidays. It is your responsibility to track your holiday and ensure you take your allocation in any given year.

Only Head Office will make changes to this spreadsheet. For full timers it will be updated every time you request holiday time off which is approved. For part timers – your accrued holiday time will be updated monthly and the spreadsheet will be updated every time you request holiday time off which is approved.

I ________________________ (PRINT FULL NAME) of Sandinista Ltd have read and I agree to follow the above procedures.  I understand failure to carry out these procedures may result in disciplinary action being taken against me.

Signed:  ___________________

Date:  __ / __ / ____

Weights & Measures

I have been trained & understand the correct policy regarding the Weights and Measures act 1985

Gin, Rum, Vodka and Whisky served in 25ml of multiples thereof

The 4 drinks sold as a single measure of 50ml are





In all instances of serving wines by the glass you must use 125ml, 175ml & 250ml jiggers

When a free pour test has not been carried out you must use 25ml & 50ml jiggers

You may free pour on shift if you score above 90% according to the in house rules of the free pour tests

PRINT NAME                                                                                          (Employee)

SIGNED                                                                                                   (Employee)            

SIGNED                                                                                                   (Sandinista Ltd)                     


Sickness & Absence Policy

If you are ill and you cannot attend your shift, you must call the duty manager as far in advance as you can so that we have ample opportunity to find cover.  If for any reason you cannot get in touch with your duty manager, then you must call Sandinista head office on 0113 245 7700.

Texting or emailing is not an acceptable form of communication in this situation.  This, and calling after the commencement of your shift will be treated the same as lateness and may lead to disciplinary action. 

Anytime off sick will be deducted from your holiday allowance – unless otherwise requested & agreed as a day off.

Your entitled to statutory sick pay if:

  • you’re sick for at least four days in a row (including weekends and bank holidays and days that you do not normally work)
  • you have average weekly earnings of at least £102 a week

Your average weekly earnings are worked out by using your earnings in the eight weeks before your sickness began.

To get SSP you must:

  • Tell us that you are sick
  • Provide some form of medical evidence, from the eighth day of your illness

I ________________________ (PRINT FULL NAME) of Sandinista Ltd have read and I agree to follow the above procedures.  I understand failure to carry out these procedures may result in disciplinary action being taken against me.

Signed:  ___________________      Date:  __ / __ / ____

Theft Policy

  • Sandinista Ltd does not accept responsibility for any staff belongings lost, stolen or damaged during shift
  • All staff are responsible for the safety and security of their own belongings which are brought to work with them.
  • If for any reason you have to bring something valuable to work, you may ask the manager on duty if you can store it in the safe while you are working – the manager has the right to refuse this if the contents of the safe are already near the insurance limit.
  • If you do have something stolen while are work, please inform your manager as soon as possible.
  • Manager to check CCTV as soon as possible after the event of a theft to see if the culprits can be caught.
  • To inform police of any thefts and to hold anyone caught stealing until advice is sought from the police
  • If there have been incidents of theft in your bar then it’s the managers responsibility to call neighboring bars to warn them.
  • Theft of any kind will not be tolerated by Sandinista Ltd, unauthorized possession of stock, cash or valuables will be treated as gross misconduct.
  • Misusing the tills to your own gains will be deemed gross misconduct
  • Misusing the tills to alter stock results will be deemed gross misconduct
  • Any cash discrepancies can be taken from your wages is there is no reasonable explanation and you are in any way accountable for the loss.
  • Positive till variances are just as much of a concern as losses and must be explained.

I ________________________ (PRINT FULL NAME) of Sandinista Ltd have read and I agree to follow the above procedures.  I understand failure to carry out these procedures may result in disciplinary action being taken against me.

Signed:  ___________________

Date:  __ / __ / ____

Discounts Policy

This policy has been put in place to clarify where we stand on food and drink going through the till at a discounted price

“Discount is a privilege not a right.”

As staff you work hard and deserve your discount, friends should not get staff discount as it means your privileges mean significantly less.

The following procedures must be adhered to at all times.


  • You are entitled to 40% off drinks
  • You are entitled to 30% off food
  • Staff may drink post-mix for free when working.  Juice from cartons, cans and bottles MUST BE PAID FOR AT THE DISCOUNTED PRICE.
  • When a staff member buys a spirit and mixer they MUST pay for the mixer at discounted price also.
  • Staff discount is applicable for all staff employed by Sandinista Ltd: Bar, Kitchen, Door& DJ’s.
  • Staff discount on food may be used for you plus one other, staff member must be present.
  • When buying a drink for a friend on shift you may put them on your own tab at 40%.  If they are paying for them they are only entitled to the Privilege discount of 20%.
  • When out with friends, staff discount will be allowed on your rounds, whether you pay cash or put it on your tab.
  • Cigarettes must NEVER be discounted as the profit on them is so low.


  • Privilege discount is set at 20% off food and drinks. Drinks that carry a lower GP will automatically be excluded on the till from privilege discount
  • It is not to be used for everyone who works in the industry, it is used to be used to enhance a customer’s experience.  Customers won’t expect discount all night, they should expect to pay full price and be grateful when they receive discount.
  • Sites have a specific budget for the amount of privilege discount to hit per week so please try to spread this throughout the week. Discounts should relate sensibly to the daily take, please see in house budgets.
  • Friends of yours who you’d like to look after can be given privilege discount on food and drink.  Privilege discount is to be used at your discretion, please use this privilege sensibly and bear in mind the best interests of the company. PLEASE GET PERMISSION FROM THE MANAGER ON DUTY, THE MANAGER HAS THE RIGHT TO REFUSE.
  • Please think about the effect on customers not receiving discount when it seems everyone else is.
  • Privilege  discount is a privilege not a right. When Si is in with friends they don’t always get or expect discounted drinks every time. So the principal applies right through the company. If a customer expects or demands discount then they are not the type of person we want in our bar! You will all be quite aware that you would never go into another bar and expect a discount on drinks; if you get one you’re grateful!


  • Food and drink to go through on tab 250 at full price
  • It can be used to alleviate customer complaints
  • You must write a text reason under every complimentary drink
  • Remember you have the privilege discount to use for your friends, if for any reason you need to comp something off you must get a manager to do it.


Employees are permitted to drink at the bar, but you are asked to note the Alcohol & Drugs Misuse section of your starter pack.

Employees are also permitted to pay for their food and drink at any Sandinista Ltd bar, in or out of work, through their tab. A tab number will be allocated to you, and you may run this tab for no longer than a week. The final total will then be deducted from your net wage on Monday.

All entitlements and benefits are non-contractual, and the company reserves the right to remove them at any time.

I ________________________ (PRINT FULL NAME) of Sandinista Ltd have read and I agree to follow the above procedures.  I understand failure to carry out these procedures may result in disciplinary action being taken against me.

Signed:  ___________________

Date:  __ / __ / ____

Wastage Policy

The reason this policy has been put in place is to ensure that as a company we are tracking the amount of stock lost in sales due to wastage.  It is vitally important that wastage is monitored and recorded for stock taking purposes.

The following procedures must be adhered to at all times.

  • All wastage must be recorded immediately on the tills (You will be shown how to do this on site)
  • A reason for the wastage must be written underneath it
  • Wastage as a result of error must not be consumed by staff
  • Spirit bottle breakages must be recorded in wastage.
  • Draught wastage as a result of technical issues (i.e. warm, flat) must be recorded and where possible chased up by management for a credit note

I ________________________ (PRINT FULL NAME) of Sandinista Ltd have read and I agree to follow the above procedures.  I understand failure to carry out these procedures may result in disciplinary action being taken against me.

Signed:  ___________________

Date:  __ / __ / ____


Tills & Card Payments Policy

This policy has been put in place ensure you are fully aware of what is expected of you with regards to cashing off transactions and handling cash.


  • You must use your own clerk ID at all times.
  • Refunds must be done by a manager/supervisor
  • Voids must be done by a manager
  • Whenever food or drink is served it must be accounted for on the tills
  • Card payments must be rung through as card payments. Cash payments must be rung through as cash payments.
  • Petty cash purchases must be taken from the petty cash safe NOT from the tills.


  • Transactions must exceed £10. The reason for this every transaction carries a cost, we’ve deemed £10 minimum spend a fair return for that cost.
  • Cash-back is not allowed under any circumstances (Even if a round comes to £7, you cannot put £10 through the machine and give £3 change.)
  • Staff members are not to use the PDQ machines as a bank machine, for example you must not ring through £10 on the PDQ machine then take £10 cash from the till.
  • We are not insured to take any card payments over the phone.
  • The customer must be present for a card payment


  • Please take extra care when handling cash, be vigilant when checking notes for forgeries.
  • Be conscientious to your colleagues and managers on shift and put notes away in a neat and tidy fashion, see in house rules for which way the Queens head faces in the till.
  • When taking payments the money is to go straight in the till, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD CASH BE PUT IN YOUR POCKETS ETC.
  • Stuffing money and PDQ slips into the till leads to mistakes, please take the extra few seconds to put money away tidily.

I ________________________ (PRINT FULL NAME) of Sandinista Ltd have read and I agree to follow the above procedures.  I understand failure to carry out these procedures may result in disciplinary action being taken against me.

Signed:  ___________________

Date:  __ / __ / ____

Search Policy

Sandinista Ltd reserve the right to conduct searches on customers and staff.

  • Searches can take place at the discretion of managers and Door Supervisors
  • People who do not agree to be searched can and should be refused entry
  • At all times permission must be granted by customers before conducting a search
  • It is policy to always be polite, tactful, positive and professional
  • In any bag search the contents of the bag must not be touched
  • When carrying out a search men must be searched by men and women must be searched by women
  • For any search a witness must always be present
  • During the act of the search it must always be from the sides and you must make sure you can see the customers hands and that they are open and away from pockets
  • At all times questions must be used rather than force
  • When searching, you should look for drugs, offensive weapons, un-authorised items (On the discovery of drugs please refer to the drugs policy)
  • It may be necessary to search people after they have been admitted. This is done for the same reasons as searching before admission and the same rules apply
  • Staff can be searched at random if a manager deems necessary, the above regulations will be followed.

I ________________________ (PRINT FULL NAME) of Sandinista Ltd have read and I agree to follow the above procedures.  I understand failure to carry out these procedures may result in disciplinary action being taken against me.

Signed:  ___________________

Date:  __ / __ / ____

Drugs & Alcohol Policy


It is important that all staff perform their jobs to the best of their ability.

Drinking during working hours is not permitted. Consuming alcohol can result in a deterioration in performance, poor conduct, lower consideration for your personal safety, or the safety and well-being of others.

Alcoholism (alcohol-related illness) will be treated sympathetically just like any other illness. This is subject to the co-operation of the member of staff concerned in receiving appropriate treatment. If help is refused and if performance or conduct is unsatisfactory, inefficiency procedures will be invoked.  

This policy also applies to misuse of drugs. Taking of illegal drugs before and during working hours will be viewed as a serious disciplinary matter; and the buying, selling or distribution of drugs is not only a serious disciplinary matter but a criminal offence.  This will lead to a summary dismissal.

Drugs confiscated from customers or found on site must be logged and handed over to the Police.


The possession of illegal drugs or weapons is not permitted within the premises. Any persons found to be in possession of drugs or weapons will be asked to leave or refused entry. Where appropriate, such items will be confiscated and the police notified.

Any persons deemed by the staff and/or Door Supervisors to be acting in a suspicious manner, may be asked to comply with a search. Refusal to such a search will lead to ejection from the premises or refusal of entry. Smokestack also reserves the right to search any patron on or entering the premises, on suspicion that they may be concealing drugs and/or a weapon.

Any search carried out by staff employed by Sandinista Ltd will be recorded in the Daily Incident Report Register.

Where possible, any such banned items/substances will be seized by staff/Door Supervisor and will then be stored in a suitable safe, located securely in the main office, away from public access areas. Keys to this safe will only be held by a designated personal licensee of the premises and a member of the West Yorkshire Police. The safe will have a ‘drop’ facility allowing other members of staff to deposit items without having access to the contents. The safe will comply in all aspects to guidelines set out by the West Yorkshire Police.

Arrangements will be made with the West Yorkshire Police for the collection/safe disposal of any items seized and stored on the premises.

The licensee will inform the West Yorkshire Police of any search involving the seizure of and illegal substance or an offensive weapon. Smokestack defines ‘offensive weapon’ as any object that could be used as a weapon and could be deemed a risk to members of the public or staff.

A notice will be displayed at the entrance to the premises which states:

  • A search may be conducted as a condition of entry to the premises.
  • A search may be requested of any patron to the premises at any time.
  • Incidents of crime and disorder will be reported to West Yorkshire Police.
  • Entry to the premises will be refused to any person who appears drunk, acting in a threatening manner, and is abusive or violent.
  • Entry will be refused to any person who has been convicted of an offence of drunkenness, violent or threatening behaviour or the use or distribution of illegal substances.

I ________________________ (PRINT FULL NAME) of Sandinista Ltd have read and I agree to follow the above procedures.  I understand failure to carry out these procedures may result in disciplinary action being taken against me.

Signed:  ___________________

Date:  __ / __ / __

Check 21 Policy

We take this policy very seriously as it directly affects our license to sell alcohol if it is not adhered to.  Premises selling alcohol to underage people are monitored and can be issued with closure notices.  Don’t feel uncomfortable asking for ID, it’s your job.

It is illegal to serve alcohol or cigarettes to any person under the age of 18 or allow consumption by a person under the age of 18.

If you do serve or allow consumption to a person under the age of 18 you are committing a criminal offence and can be fined £80 on the spot.  This will result in you having a criminal record and unable to ever hold a license to sell alcohol in the future.

The Police expect all people selling alcohol including you that if someone doesn’t look 21 you ask for identification to prove their age.  Valid identification will be in the form of a passport or drivers license, refuse any other form of ID this makes it clear for everyone.

If somebody uses fake ID or ID belonging to someone else you have the right to withhold it and hand over the police in accordance with section 2 of the Fraud Act 2006.

Please sign and date below to confirm you understand and you have been trained in your responsibilities with regard to “Check 21” and serving people under age.

I ________________________ (PRINT FULL NAME) of Sandinista Ltd have read and I agree to follow the above procedures.  I understand failure to carry out these procedures may result in disciplinary action being taken against me.

Signed:  ___________________

Date:  __ / __ / ____

Opt Out Policy

The hospitality industry differs that of others in that your hours will vary from week to week.  As a result of this you may or may not be asked to work over the normal working week of 48 hours.

By signing below you are agreeing that you may be asked to work more than 48 hours.

I ________________________ (PRINT FULL NAME) of Sandinista Ltd have read and I agree to follow the above procedures. 

Signed:  ___________________

Date:  __ / __ / ____

      Contact & Bank Details                 


EMAIL ADDRESS (Your pay slip will be sent to this address):
P45 ATTACHED?               
STUDENT LOAN REPAYMENTS?HMRC will fine you if you do not notify your employers of any outstanding student loan.  Tick correct box:          YES                     NO
START DATE                      

Confidentiality Policy

Sandinista Ltd is constantly moving forward with ideas to keep us ahead of the competition.  With this in mind it is vital that any information is kept in-house.


Any information shared with you regarding the company’s policies, procedures, marketing etc must be treated in strict confidence. 

Failure to do so can lead to:

  • Our competitors getting wind of our ideas for the future and compromising them.
  • Misleading information being fed to our competitors causing a rift.
  • Exploitation of our policies and procedures

All training packages, names and projects are owned by Sandinista Ltd and should not be shared with anyone outside the company.

Considering all this, breach of the above points will be treated as gross misconduct and disciplinary procedures will be carried out.

Employees using any of our any policies, staff development packages and project information upon leaving will be prosecuted.

I ________________________ (PRINT FULL NAME) of Sandinista Ltd have read and I agree to follow the above procedures.  I understand that failure to carry out these procedures may result in disciplinary action being taken against me.

Signed:  ___________________

Date:  __ / __ / ____

Tablet & Computer Policy

Tablets have been introduced into the sites to make us:

  • Much more efficient in our day to day procedures
  • More environmentally friendly by reducing paper consumption

As a member of the Sandinista Ltd team you will have access to your sites tablet and will be expected to carry out tasks such as:

  • Social Media presence
  • Keeping up with due diligence paperwork
  • Anything else in keeping with company matters

Computer usage:

  • Cannot download files over 10 megabyte


When not in use it should live in a clean, dry and secure place away from customers.

If there are any thefts or breakages to the tablet due to a lack of care on your part you may be asked to contribute to the repair or the replacement of the machine.

I ________________________ (PRINT FULL NAME) of Sandinista Ltd have read and I agree to follow the above procedures.  I understand that failure to carry out these procedures may result in disciplinary action being taken against me.

Signed:  ___________________

Date:  __ / __ / ____

Social Media Policy

The use of social media has become part and parcel of running a business in recent times.  Social Media is a great way of keeping our friends abreast of upcoming events, bringing in new customers and broadcasting the Sandinista message.  Because we are now more active than ever before we have set a few guideline below.

As part of your job you will be expected to contribute to the following.

  • Updates at key times on the company accounts on the following outlets:
    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • Instagram
  • The following is not permitted in your updates:
    • Foul & Abusive language
    • Discriminative comments
    • Views that are not in line with the companies
  • What we are looking for is:
    • Frequent updates in the bars unique tone of voice
    • Passionate promotion of our products and services
    • To raise the profile of Sandinista by reaching as many people as possible
    • Fantastic pictures that reflect our personality

You have a huge responsibility when using your sites social media account, you are essentially broadcasting for us which is why it is imperative the right message is conveyed.  If you are unsure at all on the following please make sure you speak to a manager before signing.

I ________________________ (PRINT FULL NAME) of Sandinista Ltd have read and I agree to follow the above procedures.  I understand that failure to carry out these procedures may result in disciplinary action being taken against me.

Signed:  ___________________

Date:  __ / __ / ____


It is the policy of Sandinista Ltd to treat all employees and job applicants fairly and equally regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, marital status, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion, age, disability or union membership status.

Furthermore the Company will ensure that no requirement or condition will be imposed without justification which could disadvantage individuals purely on any of the above grounds.

The policy applies to recruitment and selection, terms and conditions of employment including

pay, promotion, training, transfer and every other aspect of employment.

The Company will regularly review its procedures and selection criteria to ensure that individuals are selected, promoted and otherwise treated according to their relevant individual abilities and merits.

The Company is committed to the implementation of this policy and to a programme of action to ensure that the policy is, and continues to be, fully effective. The overall responsibility for the policy lies with {insert name and/or job title of responsible person as appropriate}. However, all staff are required to comply with the policy and to act in accordance with its objectives so as to remove any barriers to equal opportunity.

Any act of discrimination by employees or any failure to comply with the terms of the policy will

result in disciplinary action.

Signed: …………………………………………………………….

Position: …………………………………………………………..

This revision dated: …………………………………………….

Latest review dated: …………………………………………..



This procedure is designed to help and encourage all employees to achieve and maintain standards of conduct, attendance and job performance. This policy and procedure seeks to establish a clear course of action, in compliance with current legislation and ACAS Codes of Practice, which will ensure fair and consistent treatment of employees when disciplinary action becomes necessary. This organisation believes that the majority of our employees accept the need for standards and do not find any difficulty in abiding by them. However, if any employees fail to achieve the required standards of work or conduct, disciplinary action will be taken in a fair, objective consistent and reasonable manner.

 Relationship to other policies

This Company distinguishes between situations:

  • of conduct where matters are within the employee’s control in which case this disciplinary policy should be used (by way of example only matters may include time-keeping problems, behaviour, lack of application, attitude or negligent behaviour); and
  • where the difficulties relate to more innate qualities which are beyond the employee’s control in which case the capability policy should be used (by way of example only health or incapability to perform the tasks required).


With the exception of probationary employees, all the Company’s rules including this policy and procedure apply to all permanent and temporary employees working under a contract of service. The aim is to ensure consistent and fair treatment for all in the Company. This procedure is for guidance only, and save as where indicated in your contract of employment it does not form part of your contractual rights.

Informal procedure:

The Company believes that maintenance of discipline and good working practices does not necessarily require the use of formal procedures on every occasion. Minor faults will be dealt with informally by your manager.

Counselling or informal warnings will normally be given unless the offence is repeated or serious enough to warrant immediate use of the formal procedure.

If the informal procedure does not accomplish the desired effect within an acceptable time scale, or if the offence warrants more serious action, then the formal disciplinary procedure set out below will be used.

General principles:

The following principles will be taken into account in the application of this procedure:

  • This procedure is compliant with the minimum three-step statutory procedures to be followed if an employee faces dismissal or certain kinds of disciplinary action falling short of dismissal.
  • No disciplinary action will be taken against an employee at all until the case has been fully investigated.
  • Each step and action of the procedures will be taken without unreasonable delay on the part of the organisation.
  • The timing and location of meetings will be reasonable.
  • Both the employer and any employee will be given the opportunity to explain their position in the meeting.
  • When a disabled employee is involved in this procedure, the organisation and the employee will co-operate to consider which reasonable adjustments for the meeting will ensure the employee is not disadvantaged in any way.
  • At every stage in the procedure the employee will be advised of the nature of the complaint against him or her and will be given the opportunity to state his or her case before any decision is made.
  • No employee will be dismissed for a first breach of discipline except in the case of gross misconduct, when the penalty will be dismissal without notice or payment in lieu of notice.

The procedure:

Where the offence warrants moving directly to the formal procedure or where an informal process has not resolved the problem you will receive a letter from the Company, setting out the nature of the conduct or other circumstances that may result in disciplinary action or dismissal, this will include the basis for the complaint.

If you face dismissal, or certain action short of dismissal such as loss of pay or demotion, the minimum statutory procedure will be followed. This involves three key steps:

  • Step one: a written note to the employee setting out the allegation and the basis for it
  • Step two: a meeting to consider and discuss the allegation
  • Step three: a right of appeal including an appeal meeting.

Even if you do not face dismissal, or certain action short of dismissal, the Company will endeavour (except in the case of improvement notes) to arrange a disciplinary hearing at a reasonable time and place where the issue will be discussed. You will have the right to be accompanied by a colleague or trade union representative.

Whenever practicable, at least 6 days notice of the hearing will be given. You may request a postponement of the hearing of up to one week to enable your companion to attend the hearing.

Improvement note:

If performance does not meet acceptable standards you may be given an improvement note before the following steps are taken. This will set out the performance problem, the improvement that is required, the timescale and any help that may be given. Whilst this constitutes part of the formal procedure it will not always be followed by a meeting. A record of the improvement note will be kept for 6 months, but will then be considered spent subject to achievement and sustainment of satisfactory performance.

Step one – first written warning:

For offences where an informal process or improvement note has not effected the required change or where the offence warrants moving directly to the formal procedure, a formal warning may be considered. In this event you will be asked to attend a disciplinary hearing.

Full details of the alleged offence, which is the subject of the disciplinary hearing and any witness statements being relied upon, will be made available to you in advance of the hearing.

At the hearing the procedure will be as follows:

  • your manager will open the hearing by explaining the reasons why it has been arranged and detailing the incident or allegation;
  • you or your companion will then be given the opportunity to respond to the allegations, and where appropriate, you may ask for witnesses to attend;
  • the detail of the your response will then be discussed;
  • you will be informed as to what action, if any, is being taken unless a brief adjournment is needed prior to a decision; and
  • the appeals procedure will be explained.

If a warning is necessary then you will be informed that certain performance and/or conduct is required and given a specified time scale for that improvement.

When a first formal warning has been issued it will specify that if conduct has not been sufficiently improved, or further acts of misconduct of a similar nature occur within the specified time scale, then stage two of the procedure will be invoked.

In cases of serious lapses within the specified time scale, action may be taken immediately to implement stage two or stage three without waiting until the time scale has elapsed.

The outcome of the hearing will be confirmed to you in writing and notes of the discussion may also be retained on your file. Normally this letter will be disregarded for disciplinary purposes six months after the hearing.

Stage two – second written warning:

If the offence is sufficiently serious, or there is a failure to improve during the currency of the prior warning for the same type of offence, a second written warning may be considered.

The procedure will be similar to that of stage one. As with the first warning, you will be sent a letter which asks you to attend a disciplinary hearing arranged by your manager where you have the right to be accompanied by a friend or colleague.

If, following the hearing a warning is necessary you will be sent a further letter which will give details of the complaint, the improvement required and the timescale. It will warn you that, failure to improve may lead to action under stage three (dismissal or some other action short of dismissal), and will refer to the right of appeal.

A copy of this written warning will be kept by the organisation but will be disregarded for disciplinary purposes after 9 months subject to achievement and sustainment of satisfactory conduct or performance.

Stage three – final written warning:

If there is still a failure to improve conduct or performance, or if your misconduct is sufficiently serious or if the required improvement has not been made following stages one or two of this Policy, a final written warning may be warranted where the conduct is insufficiently serious to justify dismissal (in effect both first, second and final written warnings), a final written warning will normally be considered by your manager.

The procedure will be similar to that of stages one and two, except a senior manager will chair the meeting. You will be sent a letter, which asks you to attend a disciplinary hearing with the senior manager where you have the right to be accompanied by a friend or colleague.

If following the hearing a warning is necessary you will be sent a further letter, which will give details of the outcome of the hearing, the complaint and will warn that dismissal will result if there is no satisfactory improvement, and will advise of the right of appeal. A copy of this final written warning will be kept by the Company but will be disregarded for disciplinary purposes after 12 months (in exceptional cases the period may be longer), subject to your satisfactory conduct and performance.

If a final written warning is necessary, you will be informed that if conduct and/or performance does not improve, or further acts of misconduct occur, you will be dismissed from the organisation’s employment. As in the other stages, performance or conduct will be expected to improve to an acceptable standard within a specified time scale.

Stage four – dismissal:

If conduct or performance is still unsatisfactory and the employee fails to reach the prescribed standards, the final step in the procedure may be dismissal or some other action short of dismissal such as demotion.

As with the previous stages, you will be asked to attend a disciplinary hearing where you have the right to be accompanied by a friend or colleague. This invitation will be confirmed in writing and you will be informed that your future employment is at risk and you may be dismissed as a result of the hearing. The hearing process will be identical to stage one except that the meeting will be chaired by the appropriate senior manager.

Dismissal decisions can only be taken by the appropriate senior manager. If the decision is taken to dismiss you, the reasons for the dismissal will be confirmed in writing as soon as possible but in any event within 14 days of the effective date of dismissal with written reasons for dismissal, the date on which the employment will terminate, and the right of appeal.

When disciplinary action other than dismissal is taken any warning at this stage will remain ‘active’ on your file for 12 months following the disciplinary hearing.

Gross misconduct:

In cases of alleged gross misconduct you will usually be suspended on full pay. This is in order to facilitate a full investigation of the circumstances and to enable you to prepare for the hearing. A suspension should only last forbetween one and five working days whilst the organisation investigates the alleged offence. During any period of suspension you should not attend your place of work other than for the purpose of attending disciplinary proceedings, including investigatory interviews. You should not contact any other employees, suppliers or customers of the organisation, except the employee’s companion, without the organisation’s consent.

On completion of the investigation and the disciplinary process, if the organisation is satisfied that gross misconduct has occurred, the dismissal will always be summary (ie with no notice period or payment in lieu).

 You will be informed that your future employment is at risk prior to the hearing.

 By way of example only, the following list contains offences which are normally regarded as gross misconduct:

  • theft, fraud;
  • falsification of company documents;
  • use of abusive or threatening language;
  • serious bullying or harassment;
  • fighting, assault on another person;
  • deliberate damage to property;
  • serious incapability through alcohol or being under the influence of illegal drugs;
  • serious negligence which causes unacceptable loss, damage or injury;
  • unauthorised entry to computer records;
  • gross insubordination or disobedience in the face of a reasonable request from management;
  • conviction of a criminal offence that makes you unsuitable or unable to carry out your duties; or
  • visiting, viewing or downloading any material from a website containing sexual or illegal or offensive material in breach of the organisation’s internet and communications or equal opportunities policy.

This list is not exhaustive, nor is it intended to be. There are other circumstances or examples of gross misconduct where you will be liable to summary dismissal.

13. Appeals

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome at any stage of the disciplinary procedure, you may appeal. You must do so within 10 working days of the disciplinary decision being communicated to you at the disciplinary hearing. The appeal stage does not apply to improvement notes or informal or counselling meetings. The appeal must be made in writing and should clearly state the basis on which the appeal is to be made. You will be asked to attend a hearing where you have the right to be accompanied by a friend or colleague. This invitation will be confirmed in writing.

A more senior manager than attended the first meeting, will, as far as is reasonably practicable hear an appeal meeting. The Company will usually arrange for the director to hear all appeals and their decision is final.

At the appeal any disciplinary penalty imposed will be reviewed. The decision of all appeal hearings will be communicated to you in writing within seven days.

Where an appeal against dismissal fails, the effective date of termination shall be the date on which you were originally dismissed.

  Kitchen Uniform Policy 
  I have been issued  with: 
The garments issued above are the property of Sandinista! Ltd 
Failure for the return of the above garments in a decent condition, at the discretion of the General Manager/Head Chef will result in the cost of the item(s) to be deducted from your final wage payment. Garment maintenance will be the sole responsibility of the above mentioned.Garments will be washed and ironed to a high standard by the above mentioned according to the manufacturers’ instruction and to be worn and used in line with current health and safety regulations.The garments must only be worn and used on Sandinista! Ltd sites. 
I have read and understood the terms and conditions stated in this document 
Kitchen Member:  Print Name  

To identify and distinguish between each kitchen members garments (so there is no confusion of ownership) a specific portion of the washing label has been removed and is physically represented at the bottom of this document.


Why COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) matters

Using chemicals or other hazardous substances at work can put people’s health at

risk, so the law requires employers to control exposure to hazardous substances to

prevent ill health. They have to protect both employees and others who may be

exposed to risk, by complying with the COSHH Regulations 2002.

COSHH is a useful tool of good management which sets eight basic measures that

employers, and sometimes employees, must take. Effects from hazardous substances range

from mild eye irritation to chronic lung disease or, on occasions, death.

Hazardous substances

Hazardous substances include:

  • substances used directly in work activities (eg adhesives, paints, cleaning


  • substances generated during work activities (eg fumes from fly spray)
  • naturally occurring substances (eg grain dust)
  • biological agents such as bacteria and other micro-organisms (particularly inside ice-machines that haven’t been cleaned)

Hazardous substances can be found in nearly all work environments

What COSHH requires

To comply with COSHH the company to follow these eight steps:

Step 1   Assess the risks

Step 2   Decide what precautions are needed

Step 3   Prevent or adequately control exposure

Step 4   Ensure that control measures and safety procedures are used and maintained

Step 5   Monitor the exposure (if necessary)

Step 6   Carry out appropriate health surveillance

Step 7   Prepare plans and procedures to deal with accidents, incidents and emergencies

The company must have plans and procedures to deal with accidents, incidents and emergencies involving hazardous substances.

Step 8   All employees must be properly informed, trained and supervised

For full COSHH information, please refer to the company COSHH document, available upon request. If you have any questions or concerns regarding Health & Safety or Hazardous Materials, speak to your manager at the earliest convenience. There is a full risk assessment file on the cloud in company info, health and safety, risk assessment

I can confirm that I have received training regards Fire, Health & Safety, Manual Handling and employee responsibilities.


Employee                                                           Manager                                                              Date

Maintenance Policy

  • All maintenance issues must be recorded daily in shift reports
  • Any equipment that ceases to function properly or damage caused to the building

must be reported to Si immediately via text.

  • Any Urgent Maintenance must be reported to Si immediately with a phone call

this is defined as anything that puts the safety of staff or guests at immediate risk

  • A weekly maintenance list must be emailed every Monday. This should only include outstanding tasks and must be extremely clear about any issues. Always include:
  •  The specific  location of fault
  • how it is in need of repair
  • what has currently been done about it
  • any specific details of equipment that will be helpful

For example

  1. Stairs up to toilets
  2. 3rd nosing on has come loose.
  3. Not broken just needs reattaching.
  4. It has been fastened down with yellow tape for time being.
  1. Fridge in prep kitchen
  • needs a new seal around the door.
  • Make: Frigidaire, Model: es234.
  • On the commencement of any management or supervisory shift a full building walk-round must take place to ensure the building is clean, everything is working and no new maintenance issues have arisen.
  • Always refer to the latest health and safety policies before performing any routine maintenance. These are saved on the cloud in Staff, Company Info, Health and Safety’
  • Do not undergo any maintenance yourself unless you have been trained how to do it.


  • Any unreported maintenance issues may lead to disciplinary measures being taken against the person/persons on shift
  • If any breakages are deemed as misuse money for repair/replacement may be taken from the person responsible

I have read and understood the above policy.



Mgr countersignature:

Card Not Present (PDQ) Policy

Before deciding to accept CNP transactions you should consider all risks to your business, because you will be financially liable if a transaction is confirmed as invalid or fraudulent.


All CNP transactions must be authorised. Most authorisations will be processed automatically by your terminal but occasionally you may be asked to call for authorisation.

Authorisation is no guarantee of payment – the fact that a transaction has been authorised and a code provided by the card issuer does not guarantee us payment. Authorisation simply means that the card has not been reported lost or stolen and there are sufficient funds available at the time of the transaction. Authorisation cannot always validate the address you have been given and therefore you should consider undertaking additional checks as appropriate.

The authorisation number for CNP transactions is 0845 7 600 530.

Card Not Present transactions (CNP) – Be cautious of request to pick the goods up

A number of merchants have been targeted by fraudsters making bulk orders for products and requesting prompt collection of the goods. These telephone orders have been for larger quantities and at higher value than you would expect to take. Several cards may be used for payment with requests for delivery to various addresses. Shortly after the goods have been ordered, a courier arrives at the shop to pick up the goods – but after the goods are taken, it transpires that the cards used for payment are stolen.

Do not release goods to a 3rd party in such circumstances as there is an increased risk to our business and you may be financially liable if a transaction is later confirmed as fraudulent.

To help protect our CNP business be wary of any of the following:

• Orders substantially above the value of our ‘usual’ transaction amount

• One customer with orders to multiple delivery addresses

• Several declines and attempts using different cards

• Request for goods to be picked up or released to a courier or 3rd Party

Where the customer insists on collecting the goods they must produce the card used in the original transaction. The original CNP transaction should be cancelled and a new card present transaction processed.

I confirm I have answered read & understood the above

PRINT NAME                                                                           (Employee)

SIGNED                                                                                   (Employee)                            

SIGNED                                                                                   (Sandinista Ltd)                     


Sandinista Ltd Health and Safety Policy Statement

Sandinista Ltd is committed to providing excellent bar and food service to our customers.  Equal to this commitment is securing the health, safety and welfare of our staff, customers and any other persons affected by our work activity.

The Managing Director of Sandinista Ltd has overall responsibility for health, safety and welfare in the organisation but recognises that this cannot be achieved without managers, supervisors and staff taking responsibility for their own actions.

As an organisation we pride ourselves on quality.  The important issues are to ensure we provide safe working systems within a safe working environment, with adequate facilities and arrangements for everyone.  Our health and safety programme is continually ongoing.   All staff will receive regular updates and progress reports.  Any person who carries out a task with a risk related to it will be informed of those risks, instructed in our procedures to combat such risks and, where necessary, undergo regular specific training related to that task.

Management responsibilities are:

  • High health and safety standards in the workplace
  • Employee awareness
  • Compliance with health and safety law
  • Implementation of this policy

The Employee’s responsibilities are:

  • To follow health and safety requirements
  • To co-operate with managers
  • To take active participation in health and safety matters
  • To report any failings in this policy

Sandinista Ltd will continue to review Health and Safety programmes on a regular basis and in any case annually.

S. Ord

Managing Director                                                                                                                          Date

For and on behalf of Sandinista Ltd

Organisation and Responsibilities

Safety Organisation Responsibilities

Managing Director

It is the responsibility of the Managing Director Sandinista Ltd to ensure there is an adequate Health and Safety structure.  This includes:

  • Policies in place
  • Co-ordinated health and safety programmes
  • Ongoing monitoring and reviews of policies and programmes.

The following section details the responsibilities that we all have as employees and managers of the company.

Area Manager’s responsibility

  • Advise managers on matters relating to health and safety legislation and the health and safety of employees and other people who may be affected by the way we work.
  • Responsible for the implementation of health and safety legislation.
  • Obtain specialist advice when required to ensure compliance.
  • Maintain accident data.
  • Carry out safety audits at regular intervals.
  • Maintain good communication with enforcing authorities.
  • Ensure departments and managers comply with their responsibilities.
  • Ensure all plant and equipment are maintained and service records kept.
  • Ensure suitable controls are in place for contractors.

General Managers responsibilities

  • Are responsible for the safety in their particular area.
  • Understand and implement the health and safety policy.
  • Ensure necessary health and safety improvements are made.
  • Communicate accident information, including reporting.
  • Ensure a risk assessment and safe system of work is prepared for all tasks undertaken by staff in their particular area.
  • Review all risk assessments annually.
  • Maintain statutory records.
  • Ensure that all staff attend mandatory training.
  • Ensure all contractors have a prepared risk assessment, method statement and where necessary a formal permit to work before they start any work within the department.
  • Ensure all staff are adequately informed of the risks likely to be faced, instructed in the systems adopted to combat those risks and trained on all equipment.  Records are to be kept of any such instruction and training.

Assistant General Managers

  • Shall be responsible for the day to day duties of the General Manager when absent.

Head Chefs

  • Are responsible to the General Manager for the safe working of the kitchen and for maintaining high standards in food safety and hygiene.

Employee’s responsibilities

  • Co-operate with management in health and safety matters.
  • Have regard for their own safety and that of others who may be affected.
  • Consider the safety and health aspects of each task they undertake.
  • Report defects or hazards, including plant, materials and systems of work.
  • Comply with all health and safety procedures, including the use of safety equipment.
  • Use Personal Protective Equipment provided at all times for that task.
  • Familiarise themselves with the health and safety polices and procedures applicable to their work.

General Arrangements


All members of staff shall be aware of the procedure for raising the fire alarm and be conversant with the use of the fire fighting equipment.  All equipment will be clearly marked and serviceable.  A fire risk assessment shall be prepared for the building and regularly reviewed by the Operations Manager.

On discovering a fire;

Staff will immediately raise the alarm using the nearest call point, returning to fight the fire only if safe to do so.


1.  Kitchen operational

On hearing the alarm, kitchen staff will be responsible for ensuring that all kitchen appliances are made safe and on evacuation check office accommodation, stairs and toilets to ensure persons are not present.  Bar staff are responsible for ensuring customers evacuate safely and no member of staff is in the cellar area.  At the staff assembly point the senior bar staff member shall ensure all staff are accounted for and liaise with the attending fire service.

2.  Kitchen non-operational

On hearing the alarm, one member of bar staff shall be detailed to check office accommodation, stairs and toilets to ensure persons are not present.  The remaining bar staff are responsible for ensuring customers evacuate safely and no member of staff is in the cellar area.

Other Emergency Evacuations

Should any other type of emergency require the evacuation of the premises the senior bar person will take control of the evacuation.  Taking advice from the attending emergency service s/he will ensure the safe evacuation of the premise to an assembly point dictated by the attending service.  Other staff members shall ensure the security of the premise and attend the assembly point as instructed by the senior bar person.

First Aid

Minor first aid injuries can be attended to on a self help basis from the first aid box situated in the office.  Should medical assistance be necessary Sandinista Ltd have the call on a paramedic within the vicinity of the premise, failing which the senior bar person shall contact the emergency service using 999.

Injury Reporting

Any injury, however caused, to a member of staff or public whilst on the premises shall be reported without delay to the senior bar person.  The senior bar person shall ensure an accurate account of the circumstances surrounding the injury, the nature of the injury, the name of the injured party and that of any witnesses are duly recorded.  The Managing Director and/or the Operations Manager shall be informed, without delay, if the injury results in;

  1. Any fatality
  2. A member of staff becoming unconscious
  3. A member of staff being detained in hospital for over 24 hours
  4. A member of staff receiving a major injury, or
  5. A member of the public taken to hospital for treatment from the premises.

Informing the Enforcement Agency of incidents 1-5 above

The Managing Director or the Operations Manager shall be responsible for informing the Incident Control Centre of the event by the quickest practicable means and then to follow up the report formally within 10 days of the incident arising.

Risk Assessments and Safe Systems of Work reviews

The risk assessments and safe systems of work prepared shall be reviewed by the Operations Manager when;

  1. There is reason to suspect they are no longer valid,
  2. There has been significant change in the matters to which they relate,
  3. An accident has occurred, or
  4. In any case, annually to confirm satisfaction with the detail contained within the documentation.